Pine Trees

Pinus species
Pine vary from large, open or densely pyramidal trees to compact shrubs. Pine prefer full sunlight and well-drained, acidic soil to keep their green colour. Pine are valued for their attractive cones and year-round colour, especially in large areas.

Pine Species Zone Ht. Sp. Features and Foliage
Austrian Pine
Pinus nigra
3-4 12 m 6 m Broad, open, pyramidal tree with stiff, long needles
Bristlecone Pine
Pinus aristata
2 4 m 2 m Deep green needles are decorated with white flecks
Long-living; slow-growing, shrubby tree with asymmetrical form
Limber Pine
Pinus flexilis
3-4 8 m 5 m Unique tree with flexible branches and wind-swept form
Lodgepole Pine
Pinus contorta latifolia
2 12 m 3 m Slender native shelterbelt tree with twisted needles
Alberta’s official tree
Ponderosa Pine
Pinus ponderosa
3-4 15 m 6 m Tall, pyramidal tree with ling needles and large cines
Scots/Scotch Pine
Pinus sylvestris
3 12 m 6 m Pyramidal tree with orange bark
Popular Christmas tree choice
Swiss Stone Pine
Pinus cembra
3 10 m 5 m Picturesque, pyramidal tree with dense foliage retained on lower branches
Slow-growing accent or specimen tree


Mugho Pine (Swiss Mountain Pine)
Pinus mugo – Hardiness Zone 1
Hardy, coniferous shrub with short, dark green needles and rounded cones. Useful for foundation planting.

Culivars Ht. Sp. Features
Mugho Pine
Pinus mugo mughus
3 m 2 m Large shrub
Dwarf Mugho Pine
Pinus mugo pumilo
1 m 1.5 m Dwarf form of Mugho Pine